Help My Doubt

Faith seeking reason- Mark 9:24

The Good Book

For the first time in my life I just finished reading the Bible.  I have read the New Testament several times and many other books over and over but today I finally finished the Old Testament.

I must say that I am surprised how hard it is to understand. When I read the Old Testament prophets I found myself wondering whether the propecies were already fulfilled before Jesus, fulfilled in Jesus or yet to be fulfilled. Maybe all three! I found myself wondering if God’s promises were for Israel only or also for Christians. There were so many ways that any reader could misunderstand the Old Testament (and Jesus himself) that I wondered what value it would have for the average Joe to read it at all.

I hate to say it but the Bible is confusing. Obviously God calls pastors and teachers for the work of preaching and such work requires a good amount of study to do well. I wonder if I am making Scripture more complicated than it needs to be. We all know that pastors have made gross errors (and still do) with interpretation (e.g. pro-slavery) over the years so how is a layperson to hope for understanding? The Holy Spirit plays a roll but let’s not go over the deep-end with that thought either. God forbid that I stand up and preach what I feel the Spirit wants me to say about a Scripture withtout time for study and prayer first! “Test everything” and “don’t go beyond what is written” after all.

 Well, I’m proud to have finally done it and I plan to read a New Living Chronological Bible next but these questions still bother me. How many times can a pastor say, “this doesn’t mean what it sounds like (e.g. If you  don’t hate your father you are not worthy of me)” before the people conclude that the Bible is too confusing for the average person?

Well, that’s enough of that. I hope Jesus comes back soon (even if I can’t decide if it will be pre- or post-tribulation).


December 20, 2007 - Posted by | Books I'm Reading


  1. Congratulations, Brad. That’s a monumental accomplishment. Each time you read through the Bible, you’ll be able to grasp more and more. I’ve read it through a number of times but still have questions about certain passages.

    I’m currently taking a slow read through the Pentateuch. I usually read a chapter every morning and then write a paragraph or two in a notebook about what I read. That’s been helpful to force myself to think through what was read.

    Using a good study Bible is also helpful when I have questions. I don’t always have time to consult a commentary, so the concise thoughts at the bottom of the page are extremely useful.

    Here’s to many more good reads through the Bible.

    Comment by Andy Rupert | December 21, 2007 | Reply

  2. Thanks Andy.

    I got thinking about my whining later on and decided that one of my problems is simply inexperience. Much (most?) of what we read in Scripture is confusing because we don’t understand what life was like back then (e.g. sheep farming) but I bet God’s basic messages will be clear enough anyway (e.g. Great Commandment, John 3:16, etc.). Even the deeper knowledge of Christ will become increasingly clear as we re-hear the New Testament writers explain the Old Testament writers.

    Scripture is still the Word of God so it will always have elements of mystery which go beyond my tiny brain but even a child can read it and understand (with God’s Spirit helpinig).


    Comment by helpmydoubt | December 21, 2007 | Reply

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